Do you have a lady in your life that loves CrossFit?  If you love her and want to encourage her passion for fitness how about making a gift basket full of items she can actually use.

Flowers are nice but a basket full of supplies for her daily WODs (workout of the day) can last much longer.

This is far from romantic or sentimental, it’s practical because I’m practical.

So let’s get started.  Here are some items women who CrossFit more than likely use on a daily basis (Keep in mind you can vary this to fit your CrossFitter’s needs):

1.  Lip balm – Helps keep lips moist as she huffs and puffs through a WOD. Gloss doesn’t work because it gets sticky.

2. Gum – Keeps mouth moist during a WOD unless she’s like me and chokes on it as she’s sucking wind.  If that’s the case, she can chew the gum during strength training or after the WOD.

3. Pads/Pantyliners – I know this is gross and personal but it’s true.  No need for explanation just include it.

4. Band-Aids – Specifically blister Band-Aids for days when she rips on the rig from toes to bar, pull-ups etc. (They sell them for $3.47 at Walmart. You can see what they look like here.)

5. Towel – A large beach towel is great to have for burpee day or to use in the car after a WOD to protect the seats from sweat and stank.

6. Headbands/Ponytail holders – It’s always great to have extra hair gear she can keep in the car, just in case one breaks or she forgets it.

7.  Ibuprofen/IcyHot or her favorite essential oil – Sometimes there are days when DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) sets in and all you need is a dose of ibuprofen. Not everyday, but some days.

8. Abmat – This is used for sit-ups and it’s nice to have your own.  It’s not an essential, most boxes have plenty, however $15.99 for one is a great price considering most are $26 or more.  Amazon’s $15.99 version is logo free and ships free for Prime members. Check it out here: Trademark Innovations Exercise Mat Core and Abdominal Trainer, Blue, 15 x 12 x 3-Inch

9. Quest Bars or KillCliffs – These are staples at most boxes however you can find them at Dick’s Sporting Goods, GNC and select pharmacies.  She might like to have them for post-WOD recovery or as an afternoon snack. (QuestBars, FitAids & KillCliffs)

10. Bacon – Do it.  Buy a pound of bacon and promise to cook it for her after a WOD.  If you’re cool like my friend Kathy, you could have a shirt made that reads ‘Will WOD for Bacon.’



Speed ropes, wrist wraps, glass water bottles (I’ve spotted these at Marshall’s for $12.99 that’s half price), pay for unlimited WODs as an upgrade, a dry-fit hat or knee sleeves.


So are you a CrossFitting lady?  What would like to see in a basket?