

christie dedman mugHello, I’m a Birmingham native with a bachelor’s in political science and journalism from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. I started my journalism career at The Birmingham News in June 1998. In January 2009 I created, launched and built the Birmingham Bargain Mom blog and overall Birmingham Bargain Mom brand. On Dec. 31, 2014 I left the Bargain Mom blog behind to seek new adventures.

You can read about my reasons and how I became a Christian here:
Faith, Family & Finance: Sharing my testimony & leaving Bargain Mom behind

I appear on Good Day Alabama on the second and fourth Fridays each month on WBRC FOX 6 as their Savvy Shopper.

You can connect with me on:

Tweet: twitter.com/ChristieDedman
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/christie.dedman
Instagram: www.instagram.com/christiededman


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