I’ve been in a cone of silence on this site for a few weeks. I apologize but there’s a decent reason to my absence. dealnews.com hired me to find deals for their site.
The Huntsville based company has long been a friend of the Bargain Mom blog, ever since the beginning really. They offered a cool position I couldn’t resist and for the past few weeks I’ve been training with them. The best thing is that I get to work entirely from home – which is a huge blessing.
If you’re new to dealnews.com, it’s worth checking out, frequently throughout the day. Deals are constantly posted on the site for all interests. They are dedicated to finding the best prices on everything from Macs to Crocs with offices in Huntsville, New York City and Ireland.
So what do I do? I look for online deals that readers want to see and snap up quickly. Sounds familiar right? Well with dealnews.com it’s a little more intense and more of a challenge than the Bargain Mom blog.
Plans for www.christiededman.com are still the same, faith, family, travel and finance. However, I’m just gonna need to figure out my work flow to continue serving you.
You can still catch me on Fox 6 every other Friday. In fact I’ll be on there in the morning at 8:30 a.m.
Please hang in there baby, as I make the transition. Thank you for your patience.
Congrats!!! I’m so very proud of you and all your accomplishments. The best is yet to come. 🙂
Thanks Nanci!
Congratulations, Christie!
Thanks Wade!
I will be sure to follow this! You have some great advice 🙂
Thanks so much Shweta!