I’m not big on Valentine’s Day.  I might write a blog post one day about that but for today, I’m going to share a quick and easy Valentine greeting you can make with your kids.

This is a your mileage may very deal because it depends on Dollar General.  Right now they have all of their Christmas decor, treats and candy marked 25 cents.  That includes the Palmer’s bags of coal.  It’s not real coal.  It’s black foil wrapped chocolate candy. (You might be lucky enough to get these for 10 cents each starting Tuesday)

What to do

There are 11 to 12 pieces of candy in each bag.  Pick up two and you’ll have 22 to 24 pieces of candy.  Enough for the average size classroom.

Head home, write on pieces of paper You Rock! or Valentine You Rock! Tape or attach it to the piece of candy and you’re done. That works out to 2.272 cents per Valentine.  Plus you just cut out all of the extra junk and Pinterest induced cuteness that has engulfed every holiday.

Brutally honest

I’m going to be completely honest with you – KIDS DON’T CARE HOW CUTE THE VALENTINE IS – THEY ONLY CARE ABOUT THE TREAT!  The sooner you embrace this knowledge the better off you’ll be.

Let me know if you find them.