Tagged: Fox 6

Good Day Alabama Savvy Shopper segment for July 27, Christie Dedman

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Did you catch my Savvy Shopper segment on Good Day Alabama this morning? If so and you want more details check out the rundown below: FREE MAC LIPSTICK July 29 participating MAC retail stores...


WBRC 6 Good Day Alabama Savvy Shopper: Festival of the Cranes & Fitness deals January 12

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    The kids viewing the birds at the Wheeler Refuge observation house. Photo by Christie Dedman
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Morning folks! Thanks for watching the Savvy Shopper segment this morning on Fox 6’s Good Day Alabama – WBRC. Here are the deals and events I mentioned. Enjoy your weekend!   FESTIVAL OF THE...


Good Day Alabama Savvy Shopper August 11 segment, (Bowling, Free Junior Ranger, Sofa deal)

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Welcome Good Day Alabama viewers! Thanks for watching the Savvy Shopper segment. Here are the deals I mentioned during the August 11, 2017 episode: SEGMENT 1 Head over to GoBowling.com to grab a coupon for a...


Welcome Fox 6 Good Day Alabama viewers

Thanks for following me over to my new website www.christiededman.com. Here are the deals I mentioned this morning on Fox 6 Good Day Alabama: 1. Wendy’s have launched a Frosty Treats key tag deal for...
