Well I just announced that I will no longer be Birmingham Bargain Mom on al.com. If you’re new to christiededman.com then you’re probably wondering what in the world can I expect to find. I...
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Why I put real butter in my coffee + recipe
Mike Ditka understands coffee. Well his character in Kicking & Screaming does. He tells Will Farrell ‘Coffee is the lifeblood that fuels the dreams of champions.’ I need this on a shirt. However coffee...
Acorn Squash Soup Paleo recipe
The Paleo lifestyle forces you to get creative in the kitchen. If creativity in the kitchen is not your strong suit, you’re not alone. Of course there are great Paleo cooking blogs, Pinterest...
Are you anxious? Your child might have the cure
There is a Grey’s Anatomy episode where the main character Dr. Merideth Grey just had a baby. Her friend and co-worker Alex Karev is upset, panicking, full of anxiety and anger. While Karev prattles...
How to write a doctrinal statement for your family & why you should have one
So you went to church this morning. Listened to your Sunday school teacher, sang some hymns and listened to your preacher. All of that at a place of worship you’ve decided to call your...
Callaway Gardens Azaleas – Pine Mountain, Georgia
Eastern bluebirds, male & female
Turkey Creek Pinson & Magic City Art Connection
Christie Dedman on YouTube
You may remember my entry into the blogging world at Birmingham Bargain Mom. I created the name, blog and managed it. While I should have handled things differently, i.e. kept my name as the...
Visiting Birmingham History Center & Peanut Depot + Video
I had some errands to run downtown yesterday so I took the kids along for the ride and we made it an educational jaunt through Birmingham. We stopped at the Birmingham...