Do you know who George Rogers Clark is? He’s the guy who basically won the west so his brother William Clark (of Lewis & Clark) could explore what would become the Louisiana Purchase. He led Kentucky sharpshooters on an unbelievable journey on foot through the Wabash River to attack Fort Sackville on the Indiana/Illinois border. The attack was a turning point in the western front of the American Revolution- we learned all of this at the George Rogers Clark National Historic Park & earned a Junior Ranger badge.

The monument is gorgeous and features granite from Alabama. GRC is featured on the 2017 Indiana Quarter. While we were in Vincennes, Indiana we crossed over Wabash River into Illinois on the same path Abraham Lincoln and his family did! When you cross over the main bridge look to your right to see the monument which marks the spot.

There is parking just to the right and it’s an easy stroll over to the granite creation.

Keep in mind this park is in Eastern time – a mistake we made once we were there and realized the park would be closing soon.


The monument has a free head phone assisted tour. It’s easy for the kids to follow along. The 15 minute presentation details the meanings of each of the paintings inside the rotunda and also tells the story of Clark and his soldiers.

Do not miss the film in the visitor’s center.  It’s a little long but it’s well done and will give you a real understanding of what happened in this small but historic town.


Admission is free.

Parenting tip:

The back side of the monument is not intended for ‘stepping down’ – i.e. they look like steps but they aren’t.  Make sure you kids don’t fall off the edge.


If you allow enough time don’t miss the Indiana Military Museum.

It’s less than a mile from the NPS. We didn’t have time and it’s my only regret.

If you’re into comedy there’s a museum honoring Red Skelton. Go here to learn more. We didn’t visit it either but we did see a cool mural downtown celebrating Indiana’s native son. See the gallery.