You see their evilness. You see how sneaky, manipulative, cunning, dastardly and downright dumb they are in almost everything they do.
However, you’re the only one who sees it. Somehow their despicable behavior goes unnoticed by everyone around them. How is this possible? How can so many people be blind to what you see as blatantly obvious?
We have all been in this situation at some point in our lives, you may be living it right now. It’s frustrating, annoying and can lead to anger.
Here’s what you want to do:
1. Expose them for who they are – Seriously, you may have considered paying for a billboard, television commercial or a Facebook ad that would reach the masses spreading the truth. You know you’ve thought about it.
2. Confront them about their behavior – You’ve played out every scenario of ‘letting them have it.’ You’ve thought about everything you would say, how you would say it and key points you would mention. All while they sit and listen to your grievances.
3. You need a wearable eye-roll gif – You want to visibly and dramatically roll your eyes for all to see when someone encourages their obvious atrocious or phony behavior.
Here’s what we don’t need to do:
1. Don’t gossip about them – We’ve all made the mistake of trying to tell mutual friends how atrocious someone is. That type of behavior starts on the playground and makes its way to the water coolers of adulthood. Don’t be a part of it. If someone asks your opinion of the evil-doer, don’t take the bait. Just move on and stay away from the temptation of letting them know all you know.
2. Don’t behave passive aggressively – We’ve all seen the cryptic Facebook statuses, strange or ranting comments on Facebook, unusual ‘like’ activity or shares – and you know that someone is trying to get back at one of their friends. It’s time for adults on Facebook to act like adults. No need for that kind of activity. Check your motives before you post.
3. Don’t internalize the anger – You can’t let your anger and hatred of the person’s actions ruin your life. Let it go. Don’t dwell on it. If you must be friends with them on social media because of some sort of obligation, hide their stuff so you don’t see it. If you have to be around them all the time or at special occasions, be polite and move on to someone else. It’s hard to remove people from your life completely (I know, I’ve tried) sometimes it’s just better to deal with it, laugh at their craziness and pray that God will change the situation.
Which leads me to the following …
Here’s what we have to do:
1. Expose your inner hatred about their behavior – I’m not saying write a blog post detailing why you hate their behavior. Remember we should never use open forums to air our dirty laundry. What we should do is expose our thoughts, feelings, hatred and anger to God. We have to pray for Him to remove the sinful temptation of enacting vengeance from our own hearts.
2. Secret behavior isn’t secret – He knows what they’re doing. Either their behavior will eventually be exposed in this lifetime or the next. He knows, even though everybody else on the planet doesn’t. He knows. (Just keep saying that to yourself.)
3. Pray for the evil-doer – I just mentioned we must pray for God to change our hearts and remove our sinful reactions but we often overlook something God may be wanting us to do – That’s pray for this person(s) that’s been placed on your radar. It can be difficult. We must do this with a spirit of service not maliciousness.
Let me break that down:
Which prayer is better:
Dear Father, Please expose ___________ to their friends and family. Let others see how awful they are and how fake they can be. Remove the blinders from all of their followers’ eyes. Seriously, let others be as smart as I am.
Father, Please convict ____________ of their behavior. Show me how to pray for them. Help me meet their needs if their are any Lord. I place my feelings and emotions before you and pray that you’ll teach me how to move forward in love and patience as I deal with them on a daily basis.
I can tell you which one I want to pray and it ain’t the second one. (See I told you I’m a sinner. And yes, I know ain’t, ain’t a word.)
Righteous anger:
All of the above is negated if the evil-doer is harming people or leading others down a false path away from Christ and His clear message in the Gospel.
Don’t feel like you can’t speak up if something needs to be said. In fact God knows we can get angry and still be faithful to Him and maintain fellowship.
David displayed righteous anger in Psalm 139:19-22. Nehemiah gets mad at the unjust treatment of the poor among the Israelites in Neh. 5-6. Christ of course displayed righteous anger in the temple with the money-changers, against sin and against the Pharisees.
The point of righteous anger is to maintain the righteous indignation without blemish or sin. We can’t, we must not, respond in sin. We work to resolve the issue in a manner that reflects Christ. We must examine motives before we respond and calculate our actions based on God’s will.
Wolves in sheep’s clothing will always be around. We must be careful in our own walk not become one, don’t fall for one and don’t become angry at one. Just let God handle it. He’s better at it, than we are.
Inspiration for this post:
The other day a friend posted this meme on Instagram:
God won’t fix anything; he’s too busy being NOT REAL.
wow Kate i would love to bring you to my church so u could get filled with the holy ghost and baptized in Jesus name i went on this website and i thought that i was going to do this but no Jesus brought me to this page on perpus and he did it for you to I know he did my parents are youth ministers and that means I have to be an example and follow in there foot steps which is why I am in my room right now doing it for the lord and to bring a broken soul to Jesus and I am Pentecostal apostolic and if you read the book of Galatians ( chapter 1) it talks about some good stuff that I think you would like I do not know u or have ever talked to you befog but i pray that you will see this one day and come to my church witch is crc christen rival center and i ashier you that God will do amazing things in your life if you just talk to him.
You are dumb as hell about being Pentecostal. Pentecostal is a dumb cult that focuses on getting people demonic possessed rather than filled with the holy Spirit. I hope the true God punish your wicked leaders
That’s disrespectful, stop trying to force ur religion
on people.
Sorry that you will burn in the lake of fire. God Is Very Real and I guarantee when you go through what is coming upon your life. You’ll beg him for his help.
I did the second prayer too XD I can only hope that she’ll be exposed and everyone will hate her. Everyone around me is stupid and hasn’t noticed she’s a horrible person to be around
ok so there is this girl me and my friend know and she is like so rude
i just really want 2 expose Gianna and Aisha because how FAKE they’re 2 me. they’re just filled with lies and games Gianna just pretended 2 be my friend 4 the church and turns out that Aisha never liked me and i never liked her. this never would of happened if she just put her bra on then jiggling her boobs in front of me , Alicia and Santaisa after swim
How the hell is this supposed to help
okay there’s this girl who’s in 7th grade. my ex-best friend… and she was telling her friend that she was preparing for the PSAT which is in “eighth grade” but it’s actually in 10th!!! Another time I freaking heard her tell that same girl that she had Bipolar (even though she didn’t). What a terrible thing to lie about!!! 🙁 I just want to expose her to the world that she’s a fraud and I hope she cries for the rest of her life. Yeah… if you know who you are.. you stole my best(est) friend away from me and I went through depression. Literally.
Almost liked this article until all the bullshit about god… literally said god sees not that god would even do anything about it besides see it lol oh and if god doesn’t expose them in this lifetime just wait for another one. Please give real practical advice for those who don’t have imaginary friends to fake handle their problems caused by the fake devil.
Don’t burn in hell. Cause that’s where you will be. Atheist.
seriously,there is something wrong with you.You should start reading the bible
I’ve been on and off with this man for 14yrs. We have a child together.. even though we weren’t a couple we still acted like 1. But he manipulated me when i tried to move on, he told me the men i dated were not for me, and he would just continue to lie and lie. I had 4 abortions for him because of the lies he fed me, i was blind and stupid to see. He was a egotistical narcissistic asshole. And this whole time he was sleeping with me, I’m just finding out recently that he has been serious with someone and actually proposed to her!!! I exposed him, i messaged her and exposed him! But i have no idea if she has gotten any of my messaages. At least i came clean and told her about his ways. But im hurt and broken from all of his lying ways!!!!
My name is Rafael I am fake. I hate it when people are sneaky and evil, im the only one who ever sees it. Stupid people.
This article is complete, weak bullshit. It advices to ‘do nothing’ and ‘look the other way’ because ‘eventually’ he’ll be caught and ‘God will take care of it’. It basically advices to be a coward…and that some magical force will take care of the evil-doer. Nothing can be farther from the truth. You..,YOU…were put into this world to make the free-will decision to expose the evildoer. It’s time to empower people…instead of teaching them to be cowards.
Christ was not meek when He overturned the money changer tables and confronted the Pharisees. Anything BUT. There is a toxicity in thinking that it is wrong to be confrontational- that as followers of Christ we have to be victims. While it is not a good idea to be confrontational in the physical realm in this day and age, prayer can be very powerful and I believe that God wants us to pray against injustice, not just hang there accepting that injustice is our fate! I do believe that punishment can be prayed as well as exposure. I saw this with my own eyes and even if it took awhile to be obvious to the public, there was no mistaking the answer to my prayer- the evidence was very concrete and the power behind it was almost scary.
Also, do not pray out loud, because only God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit should know our thoughts and prayers. For every other entity or person out there- none of their business.
Why the hell people is not doing nore to stop this people they need to fill the same way. They make people fill
I am praying for everyone because that’s what I do. Remember there’s only one judge in the end. I have seen an evil that I have never seen before, it would have taken my soul if God was not there. You can not explain the evil to someone who has never seen it. You just have to believe that God will protect you. I am grateful that it was exposed to me. Wolves in sheep clothing could be anyone, including family. Prayers are powerful.
Thank you this what I needed right now with a stressful situation i am dealing with at work, some very beautiful advice. I used your prayer. Thank you for helping me <3
Thank you for this. It turned me around. I’m in a horrible situation with a family member and there’s no way to remove myself or her. We are both caring for my elderly mother. She’s extremely manipulative and hateful and hurtful and in love with the sound of her own voice. It is a constant barrage of bs about how tough she has it and all she has to do(and this woman has it pretty good!). It’s ridiculous. She’s ridiculous. All the crappy, critical comments clumsily veiled by a smiling, raised brow face and cheery(ish) tone. And she has most people snowed. She loves to tell interesting stories that often involve really putting people down, most often myself. Told so perfectly so that she appears to be a put upon saint. She has people I care about and respect thinking I’m a liar and thief…etc…etc. It’s maddening. I was searching for revenge ideas. Really most of all I want her true self and all her lies exposed. It’s been a year of this. I have to do something. But I allowed myself to end up in a situation where I’m powerless and very vulnerable when deciding to provide round the clock care to my mother. I never would’ve imagined she was this awful. I’m very at the end of my rope. Getting hopeless. And defeated. I can’t take it.