You should really stay home and shop online. Why? The deals are ripe for the picking for online shoppers. (Don’t worry I understand the sport and fun of getting out in the crowds.)
All major retailers are offering Black Friday worthy sales right now, plus shipping offers, online coupon codes and more.
Don’t forget to create a free account with Shop through their links to earn cash back on your online purchases. You’ll get a check from them in February with a cumulative payment of ‘percentages’ earned over the course of the holiday shopping season.
Go here to create an account. I’ve earned hundreds of dollars back over the past few years of shopping through them.
If you plan on shopping online follow these simple tips for knowing if you are getting the best price.
1. Find a product
2. Copy the product title and search it in
3. Hit sort from lowest to highest price
4. Also check Amazon to see if the item is cheaper there as well.
5. Always check for ‘free shipping, free site to store shipping OR free store pick up’
Things to buy on Black Friday:
1. TVs if you have the budget, Amazon will have a 32 inch for $75.
2. Tablets like the iPad mini, Amazon’s Fire and Samsung Galaxy are all best bets and price lows this week.
3. Normally I say stay away from toys but Toys R Us has really dropped prices on items like LEGOs, Fisher Price items for babies and toddlers and Disney items. Now I say that with caution. Keep in mind toys will continue to price drop up until Christmas and will be even super cheap in clearance after. Don’t have buyers remorse by overspending.
Things to stay away from:
Clothing, linens and gift cards (all of which will be cheaper in December)
Follow all the deals I’m working on with my fellow deal hunters at – we post deals 24/7