Instead of buying something you don’t need on Black Friday, how about buying something that will literally change your life forever – fitness. CrossFit Oneonta is offering a great Black Friday deal for new...
Tagged: CrossFit
CrossFit Oneonta 15.2 WOD for CrossFit Games Open + I had a PR
Tonight my home box CrossFit Oneonta did the 15.2 WOD for the CrossFit Games. The WOD included overhead squats (OHS) and chest to bar (CTB) pull-ups. This is my first Open and it is...
10 items to include in a Valentine’s Day gift basket for your CrossFit loving lady

Do you have a lady in your life that loves CrossFit? If you love her and want to encourage her passion for fitness how about making a gift basket full of items she can actually...
Food scale for $10.95, save $16 off Walmart’s price

Do you need a food scale? If your new eating plan requires measurements OR you want to use this for projects with the kids – this food scale deal is excellent. I ordered this...
Why I’m glad I gained 20 pounds, but dropped a pant size in 2014 via CrossFit

Weight has always been an issue for me. In high school I was thin, then chubby, then what the charts would register as overweight. Don’t even get me started on college. Instead of the...